What is Horoscope matching?
Kundli Matching or Horoscope Matching plays vital role at the time of marriage. Hindu Scriptures consider marriage as a holy union planned even before taking birth. Marriage and Matchmaking is also one of the most beautiful moments in one’s life.
Everyone wants a good spouse with whom s/he can create some beautiful memories and feel happy. This is the area where actual happiness of the person lies over. Where marriage is an important aspect in India, people today are very much interested in finding the perfect life partner.

In Hinduism, horoscope or kundli of both boy and girl are matched in order to nullify any bad effects after marriage. Also, in case of any doshas, astrology offers several remedies and solutions to overcome its malefic effects. If the Horoscope Matching is good then these issues will be nulled off.
Kundali matching or Kundli milan is the vedic astrology equivalent of horoscope matching for marriage. In hindu societies, especially in India, where arranged marriages are common, kundali matching is the most important factor taken into consideration while moving ahead with a marriage proposal.
Matching kundalis of prospective bride and groom will let them know how stars influence their marriage and what remedial measures need to be taken to ensure eternal marital bliss.
Kundali matching is an integral part of Indian Hindu weddings. The reason is it helps you understand the compatibility of the couples in their marriage life.
In addition, most weddings will make it to the next stage only when the horoscope of the couple matches. Astrologers usually do the kundali matching by the name or date of birth of the couples.
But most of the time, the kundali matching is done by matching the date of birth of the couple, since names can bring more broad results.
While matching, astrologers basically check the compatibility of the couples across eight Koots which sums up to a total of 36 points.
Marriage is considered one of the most important days in anyone’s life. Yes, we are moving at a lightning-fast speed in the 21st century, but before tying the knots of holy matrimony, Kundali Milan is still the priority for our Indian culture.
Horoscopes of the bride and the groom are matched to see the compatibility and the impact of stars and other cosmic energies in their married life. Celestial bodies like stars and planets influence our lives in many ways, and the horoscope matching helps us about the precautions and remedies for a happy married life.
It also helps to nullify or decrease the effects of any dosh in the Kundali’s of the couple to ensure their peaceful, healthy, and prosperous life. Kundali matching, also known as Gun Milan, is the study of the 36 Gunas of a person.
A horoscope matching compares 8 categories or Koots of a person and hence also referred to as Ashtakoot Milan. Ashta means eight and the Koot means categories. These Koots have 36 Gunas that are to be compared for calculating the compatibility between a couple. Mostly, a couple with a score above 18 is recommended to get married.
Every Koot resembles a unique quality of life of the potential couple after their wedding. If the Gunas of bride and groom match with each other and get enough points, then that couple can go ahead with their wedding plans without any second thoughts.

What is Horoscope matching?
The eight Koots are : Varna, Vasya, Deena, Yoni, Maitri, Gan, Bhakoot and Nadi.
Varna or Jati :
It is the first Koot holding 1 score point in the Gun Milan according to the Kundli matching system. In India, the caste system is implemented according to the Vedic mythological system. There are four Varnas Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra per the moon sign of the individual.
Brahmin’s are the most superiors and Shudras are the inferior ones. Couples should have equal Verna for maximum compatibility or the boy’s Verna should be higher than the Girls Verna. Each group of varna represents the skill, ability and personality of the person. And when matching the horoscope of the potential couple, the astrologer will check these things before making a decision.
Let’s look at the four categories of Varna koota in brief!
A person in the Brahmin category is considered to be visionary. Naturally, they have the ability to look into things apart from the surface level. They can also understand the cause and effect of things in their wedding.
A Kshatriya is known to be a warrior in the olden days. Just like them, this category of people also possesses the same qualities such as boldness, honesty, courage and valour. They are good at acting as a shield in their relationship or a community. The downside quality of these people is that they are short-tempered.
Vaishyas are traders who have the ability to evaluate the efficiency of a person or a thing. They are good at finding easy ways to accomplish things in their life. In addition, they might oversee things about their society because of the gains they are getting.
The Shudra category people are known for their follower mentality. They are also good at being dedicated people in a relationship or society.
Varnas are matched using several methods by calculating;
• Rashi of the moon of the native
• Navamsa of the moon
• Ascendant or Sun of the native
• Nakshatra of the moon
People often calculate the varna of a persona based on their zodiac sign. For example, the water sign individuals come under the Brahmin varna.
• Water signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces come under the Brahmin Varna
• Fire signs like Leo, Aries and Sagittarius come under the Kshatriya Varna
• Air signs like Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn come under the Vaishya Varna
• Earth signs like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius come under the Shudra Varna
This categorization is based on the Vedic Astrology that is being followed till nowadays.
The Varna koota matching is done by matching each varna with the other and the compatible couple will get the full point in the kundali matching.
Suppose if a Bride is from Brahmin varna and the groom is also from Brahmin varna, they will get 1 point. Another example: If a groom belongs to Vaishya varna and the bride belongs to Brahmin varna, the couple will get zero points. In any case, the Varna of the groom should be higher than that of the bride to get a point.
Vashya :
Vashya Koot is the second test for Guna Milan and holds two points. It signifies the ability to dominate or influence the other partner in the relationship. It directly relates to the control or power hold between the couple.
It has 5 different groups Chatushpada or the four-legged beings, Dwipad or Nara are the two-legged beings, Jalachars are the water beings, Vanachar are the wild beings, and the Keets are the insects. To score maximum compatibility, both boy and the girl should have a similar classification.

Each group of Vashya represents unique things that will be taken into consideration by the astrologer before making a decision. Let’s look at each group briefly.
Chatushpada is the quadruped in the group of Vashya. Aries, Taurus, the first 15 degrees of Capricorn and the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius come under this group of Vashya.
Manava or Dwipad
Manava is the human in the Vashya group. Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius belong to the manava group of Vashya koota.
This group consists of people who have water signs or symbols of water creatures. Cancer, Pisces and the first 15 degrees of Capricorn belong to this group of Vashya.
Vanachara resembles the wild animals in the group. Leo is the only zodiac sign in the list of the Vanachara group of Vashya koota.
The zodiac sign Scorpio comes under the keeta of the Vashya group and it resembles the insect of the group.
Vashya koota in kundali matching is done by considering the Moon Sign (Janma Rashi) at birth. There is no need for dependence on the birth Nakshatra of the couple’s horoscopes. The couple who gets the two points can move ahead in their wedding preparations.
Dina :
Dina or Tara Koot is related to the compatibility of the birth stars or the nakshatras. It holds three points in the online kundali matching system and relates to the wealth, prosperity, Longevity, and health aspects.
The relationship between the birth stars is calculated to predict the destiny of the couples. The 27 Nakshatras are sub-categorized into 9 groups. Janam Tara, Sampat Tara, Vipata Tara, Kshema Tara, Pratyari Tara, Sadhaka Tara, Vadha Tara, Mitra Tara, and Ati-Mitra Tara are the 9 groups.
Each group is divided into 3 categories Ashwani, Magha, and Moola. Afterward, the 10th Nakshatra again starts from the 1st and the 11th nakshatra begins with the 2nd. The process is repeated till 27 Nakshatra.
How to Calculate Tara Koota Score in Kundali Matching?
Tara Koota is calculated by counting the Nakshatra of the bride to the Nakshatra of the groom and the remainder is divided by 9 to get the points. The maximum points for the same cannot be more than 3.
If the reminder is an even number that matching is said to be good and 3 points are given for the same. In the opposite case, the match is said to be inauspicious and 0 points are given in the case. If the reminder of either the bride or groom is even then 1.5 points are given for the match.
So, this is an in-depth idea about Tara in Kundali matching. For a lasting marriage, a good Tara Koota score is a must!
Yoni :
Yoni Koot governs physical and sexual compatibility between the couple. It holds four points in the Ashtakoot Milan and relates to the intimacy in marital life.
Physical compatibility in terms of satisfying the partner and meeting the sexual expectations of the partner is all the concern of the Yoni Koot. If the couple is not sexually compatible, it is considered Yoni Dosh.
Yoni Dosha is the lack of connection and intimacy in the sex life of the couple.
The Yoni Koota in each nakshatra is associated with different animals. For example, Ashwini is associated with horses.
So, Ashwini is known as the horse Yoni Nakshatra. Likewise, the rest of the Nakshatras and their association with animals are as follows;
• Bharni – Elephants
• Krittika – Goats or Sheep
• Rohini – Snake
• Mrigashira – Snake
• Ardra – Dogs
• Punarvasu – Cats
• Pushya – Goats
• Ashlesha – Cat
• Magha – Rat
• Poorvaphalguni – Rat
• Uttaraphalguni – Cow
• Hasta – Buffalo
• Chitra – Tiger
• Swati – Buffalo
• Vishakha – Tiger
• Anuradha – Deer
• Jyeshtha – Deer
• Moola – Dogs
• Poorvashada – Monkeys
• Uttarashada – Mongoose
• Shravana – Monkey
• Dhanishta – Lion
• Shatabhisha – Horses
• Poorvabhadrapada – Lion
• Uttarabhadrapada – Cow
• Revati – Elephant
There are a total of 5 types of Yoni Kundali matching as given below;
• Same Yoni
• Friendly Yoni
• Neutral Yoni
• Enemy Yoni and
• Highly harmful Yoni
Maitri :
Maitri Koot or Graha Maitri is related to the mutual bond of friendship between the couple. It helps to understand the intellectual and mental compatibility of the couple.
It ensures to measure mutual respect, trust, loyalty, and clear communication between the couple by understanding their interests and likes and dislikes. It holds five points in the Guna Milan and relates to the planetary relationships of the couple.
Gruha Maitri is the fifth koota in the kundali matching. This koota holds five points out of the total 36 points. Gruha Maitri speaks about the mental levels and mutual affection between the potential couple. The mental levels and mutual affection of the couples are divided into three categories namely;
• Friends
• Enemies
• Neutral
Vedic astrology compares the ruling planet of the bride and groom to determine their mental levels after their wedding. Because each planet has unique characteristics and only specific planets will match with other planets.
Following are the planets which will be matched to check the mental levels in Gruha Maitri koota.
• Sun
• Moon
• Mars
• Jupiter
• Mercury
• Venus
• Saturn
The point allocation for every combination of the ruling planets in the Gruha Maitri koota match is as follows;
• If both are friends then they will get 5 points.
• If one is friendly and the other is neutral then they get 4 points.
• When both planets are neutral then they will get 3 points.
• When one is friendly and the other is the enemy then they get 1 point.
• A neutral and enemy combination will get 0.5 points.
• An enemy-enemy combination will get no point.
A couple with 4 or 5 gunas is considered a good match and 3 points are considered average and below 3 is considered a bad match. There are certain rules that are being followed in the Gruha Maitri koota in the kundali matching.
The rules help the astrologers to do the kundali matching and make predictions with maximum accuracy. In addition, the Gruha Maitri koota is matched based on the Rashi of the bride and groom, not the Janma nakshatra.
What is Gruha Maitri Dosha?
Gruha Maitri dosha happens when the Janma Rashi of the bride and groom does not match. This means that when one of the planets is an enemy to the other. Simply put, when the guna of the Gruha Maitri is 0 or less than 2.
We can ignore or cancel the Gruha Maitri dosha under certain circumstances. We ignore the Gruha Maitri dosha when
• The kundali matching doesn’t have Nadi dosha, Bhakoot dosha and Gana dosha.
• Both planets are friendly enough to influence each other.
• Moon signs of the bride and groom are influenced by the same planet.
Gan :
Gana Koot holds six points in the Ashtakoot Milan and is related to the mythological division of the Nakshatras between three sub-categories Devata, Manushya, and Raksha. This is based on the temperament and the basic nature of the person.
It helps in understanding the mental character and spiritual outlook of the pair. Couples belonging to the same Gana hold maximum compatibility points. Gana Dosh is when the couple shares different nature and temperament and scores minimum compatibility points.
It creates issues in the marital life by making it difficult to adjust to the partner’s spiritual and mental outlook.
Behavioral Traits of Gana
Dev Gana
People who belong to this category are the most kind-hearted and compassionate souls. They are mostly lovable, sympathetic, understanding, etc to everyone. These people have love in their hearts and help everyone with nothing but pure intentions.
Manav Gana
Mana Gana worries about nothing but their self-interest. They are ambitious, passionate and concentrated on their goal more than anything else. These are the social people with courage and far-sightedness.
Rakshasa Gana
The people in this category are shrewd and cunning types. They can go to any extent to fulfill their own agendas. Though you cannot easily deceive these people it is easy for them to fool others. They will not think twice to cause any harm to anyone for their self-gain.
These three types of Gana represent the three natural Gunas respectively. The Dev Gana represents Sattva Guna, Manav Gana represents Rajas Guna and Rakshasa Gana represents Tamas Guna.
How does Gana Affect in Kundali Matching?
No matter what your Nakshatra is, your compatibility can still be better if your Gana compatibility matches. You can check the below points to gain clarity;
• When the groom’s moon occupies a Deva Gana Nakshatra and the bride’s moon occupies a Manav Gana Nakshatra, there is a good Gana compatibility.
• Also, when the bride and groom have the same Nakshatra or birth start, their compatibility is great.
• The Gana compatibility is average when the bride belongs to Dev Gana Nakshatra and the groom has Manav Gana Nakshatra.
Cases of Absolute Incompatibility
There is completely no compatibility in the following cases;
• When a boy has a Rakshasha Gana Nakshatra and a girl has a Manushya Gana Nakshatra.
• When a boy has a Manushya Gana Nakshatra and a girl has a Rakshasha Gana Nakshatra.
• When a boy has a Dev Gana Nakshatra and a girl has a Rakshasha Gana Nakshatra.
• When a boy has a Rakshasha Gana Nakshatra and a girl has a Dev Gana Nakshatra.
When the bride and the groom have the same Gana for Nakshatra they are said to be a perfect match. However, there is no compatibility with the people of Rakshasa Gana. only Rakshasha Gana can go with them.
Bhakoot :
Bhakoot is the second most important category for matching the Kundali. It holds seven points and is related to the financial and career-related doshas in the horoscopes. Boy and girl belonging to the same Zodiac Signs or sharing the same planetary ruler are most compatible with each other. The difference in Bhakoot brings major marital issues which may end up in divorce between the couple.
If the bride and groom belong to the same zodiac sign, then they can get the full 7 points. And the set of combinations for the Bhakoot koota kundali matching is 1/1, 1/7, 2/12, 3/11, 4/10, 5/9 and 6/8. These combinations are further divided into two categories namely, auspicious and inauspicious.
• The auspicious group contains the following set – 1/1, 1/7, 3/11 and 4/10.
• The inauspicious group contains 2/12, 5/9 and 6/8 combinations.
Let’s look at the combinations in detail.
The same zodiac type (1/1) – This type will create a strong connection between each other because of the similarities they share.
The 1st and 7th positions (1/7) – This is also called Sama and Saptak positions where the couples have complementing personalities. They can also have a healthy marriage if they find a common ground and fit into each other.
The 2nd and 12th positions (1/7) – This is the Dwirdwadash position when the marriage looks one-sided. In this position, one partner puts a lot of effort in the relationship which might cause problems in their marriage life.
The 3rd and 11th positions (3/11) – It is a beneficiary position for the couple where they can support each other to grow.
The 4th and 10th positions (4/10) – Another good position for the couple in the Bhakoot koota kundali matching. When everything goes well, the couple can grow in their marriage life by creating a strong emotional connection.
The 5th and 9th positions (5/9) – Navpancham position of the Bhakoot koota matching. Even though this is a good position for marriage, the couple needs to make efforts to maintain a healthy relationship.
The 6th and 8th positions (6/8) – The Shadashataka position of the Bhakoot koota kundali matching is known for bringing struggles to the couple in their marriage life. They need to face a lot of struggles and should overcome those struggles to lead a happy life together.
What is Bhakoot dosha?
The auspicious group combinations will get the full seven points of the Bhakoot koota kundali matching. Meanwhile, the inauspicious group gets zero points and also has the Bhakoot dosha.
The Bhakoot dosha is considered to be the worst as it might bring financial and health-related problems after marriage. It might even bring problems related to pregnancies.
The Bhakoot dosha can be cancelled in the following ways.
• When the potential couple gets full points in the Vashya, Tara and Nadi kootas
• A proper Graha Maitri and no trace of Gana dosha will help nullify the Bhakoot dosha.
• Bhakoot dosha loses its power when the zodiac signs of the bride and groom have the same ruling planet.
• Only one dosha should exist either it has to be Nadi dosha or Bhakoot dosha. When both exist in the kundali matching of the horoscope, then marriage is not recommended for that couple.
• The kundali matching of the couple should have full points in Varna, Nadi and Yoni kootas in the ashtakoota.
Nadi :
This is the most important Koota, holding the maximum score of 8 points. Nadi has 27 Nakshatras in all, further divided into 3 sub-categories Adi, Madhya, and Antya. This Koota is related to the hereditary aspects of the couple. It shows the cycle of the genetic ability of the couple to give birth to a new life.
Children of couples belonging to the same Nadi are more prone to mental and health diseases. Too much similarity in the Nakshatras can lead to their inability to produce a child. Nadi dosh may also result in the separation of the couple.
The couple should belong to different Nadi’s for maximum compatibility score. Different Nadi’s reduce the risk of any health-related issues of both the couple and their children.
Each Nadi represents unique elements from the five elements of nature.
• Aadi Nadi represents the air (Vata) element and illustrates the energy flow from bottom to top.
• Madhya Nadi represents the fire (Pitta) element and illustrates the energy flow in both ways.
• Antya Nadi represents the water (Kapha) element and illustrates the energy flow from top to bottom.
There are a total of 27 Nakshatras in the Nadi matching process and the Nakshatras are further divided into three groups. There will be nine nakshatras allotted to each group of Nadi. Following are the Nakshatras allotted for the three Nadis;
• Vata – Ashwini, Aardra, Punarvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Moola, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada
• Pitta – Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Poorvaashadha, Dhanistha, Uttara Bhadrapada
• Kapha – Kritika, Rohini, Aaslesha, Magha, Swati, Vishakha, Uttaraashadha, Shravani, Revati
What is Nadi Dosha?
The basic rule of Nadi koota kundali matching is that the Nadi of the bride and groom should not match. When the Nadi of the bride and groom match, that’s when the Nadi dosha happens in the wedding.
Nadi dosha will cause problems and disputes between the couple in their wedding life. Since there are three types of Nadi in the Nadi koota kundali matching, there are three types of Nadi dosha.
Aadi Nadi Dosha – It is believed that the couples with this dosha will have arguments that might lead to divorce.
Madhya Nadi Dosha – Wedding couples with this dosha will also face mishappenings in their life and it is believed that their children will also face health issues.
Antya Nadi Dosha – It is believed that a wedding couple with this dosha will lose a partner due to unfortunate circumstances or early age health-related issues.
There are other effects of Nadi dosha in the wedding life of a couple.
• The couple will lack mutual compatibility as per the Nadi koota kundali matching.
• There will be a lot of quarrels and fights between the couple because of the miscommunication between them.
• The couple might lead an unromantic life which will lead to an unhealthy relationship after the wedding.
• After the wedding, one of the wedding partners will face health-related problems. In addition, this might lead to financial problems and other problems at their wedding.
But there are certain circumstances where you don’t have to take Nadi dosha into consideration.
Following are the exceptions of the Nadi dosha –
• Nadi dosha gets nullified when the wedding couples possess the same zodiac sign and different Nakshatras.
• Similarly, when the couple has the same Nakshatra but a different zodiac sign.
• Nadi dosha in the kundali match gets cancelled for the following Nakshatra pair.
• Rohini and Purva Bhadrapada
• Magha and Rohini
• Punarvasu and Ashwini
• Uttara Ashadha and Swati
• The Nadi dosha gets cancelled when the wedding couple possesses different zodiac signs with the same ruling planet.
Mangal Dosha
For marriage, Mangal dosha is given the most importance. All those who have a Mangal dosha in the kundli, those horoscopes are termed as manglik. There are many misunderstandings about the meaning of this. If mars is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house in the birth chart then it is called Mangal dosha. If the boy is young who is of marriageable age and has Mangal dosha, this will hurt his bride, and if it a girl who has Mangal dosha and marries one without a dosha then it hurts the groom and give difficulties to him.The Hora shastra has given a detailed explanation of this. If this dosha is present they will not be happy with a person who does not have a Mangal dosha. There are several remedies according to the Shastra siddhantas both need to have a Mangal dosha to have a happy life. Only if a marriage Is followed looking at this aspect then the couple will see growth and success.After a certain level, the Mangal dosha results in abuse, domestic violence, where objectionable behavior can be seen. For a relationship to work both the kundlis are looked at to see the Mangal compatibility.
Fig: Mangal dosh
Why does someone suffer from Manglik Dosh?
First of all, one should try to know why and how Manglik Dosh is formed. The reason behind this is the defects related to Mars. Yes, in the scriptures, Mars is considered a factor of anger, power, bravery and good luck. If the planet Mars is corrupted in the horoscope, then the person will be angry, arrogant, and powerful. If such a person is married to a non-Manglik, then the Manglik person will try to suppress the other partner with his passion, anger, bravery and anger. In such a situation the marriage cannot be successful.
In general, it is believed in Hindu society that if a boy or a girl has Mangal dosha in the horoscope and he/she is married to a non-Manglik, then the life partner might lose his life, so most people choose a Manglik life partner for the marriage of their Manglik native
When is Manglik Dosh considered dangerous?
In general, Manglik Dosh creates a disturbance in the marriage related work of a person. If there is Mars in the seventh house of the horoscope, then there are obstacles in the timing of marriage and problems remain even after marriage. But if Mars is placed in the 4th house, then the native gets married before time. When married at a young age, there are problems in marriage and they are not successful.
If Mars is in the eighth house in the horoscope, then there are chances of the person falling in the wrong company, due to which there is a possibility of marriage breakdown. However, all these things are not scientifically proven anywhere. But those who believe in astrology, they believe that Mangal dosha creates problems in marriage.
If Mars is placed in the eighth house of the Kundli, then there is a possibility of the death of the spouse of the Manglik native. Due to the fear of this, Manglik life partner is searched for Manglik people. To eliminate the negative aspect, the native is first married to a Peepal tree, pitcher or Shaligram so that the death yoga is removed.
You must have heard stories of weddings of many other celebrities around you, in which the marriage took place after taking rounds from the pitcher or peepal tree. Actually this is done to eliminate the death yoga written in the horoscope of Manglik, so that all the calamities of Yoga are borne by Peepal tree, Kumbh and Shaligram and the life of Manglik’s spouse does not suffer.
Astrology also says that after 28 years, that is, as soon as the 29th year takes place, Mangal Dosha in the horoscope automatically ends. After this, the person can marry anyone.
Remedies to Mitigate ill effects of Mangal dosha
However, one does not need to worry about the ill-effects of this dosha as there are certain remedies that help in the cancellation of the negativity of Mangal. There are certain rituals, and mantras that can be followed. Here is a list of them.
- Marriage between two Manglik individuals
If both the partners are Mangliks then this dosha gets nullified. All its ill- effects are cancelled and the two can have a blessed and happy married life. - Kumbh Vivah
When one person is Manglik in a marriage, the negative effects of Mangal dosha can be cancelled by performing this ritual called Kumbh Vivah. According to Hindu Vedic Astrology a Manglik person is made to marry a Banana tree, peepal tree, or a silver/golden idol of Lord Vishnu. - Placement of Mars in the horoscope chart
Astrologers also claim that if the first house is of Aries or Mesh in one’s horoscope chart, and Mars or Mangal resides in this house then the Mangal Dosha is no longer effective, as Mars is in its own house- Aries. - Fasting
Out of all the remedies fasting on Tuesdays is also considered an effective remedy. Manglik individuals who observe a fast on this day should eat only toor daal (split pigeon daal). - Chanting
Manglik individuals should chant the Navgraha mantra which is known as Mangal Mantra on Tuesdays. They can also chant the Gayatri mantra 108 times in a day or the Hanuman Chalisa, daily. - Performing Pujas in Temples
Visiting Navgraha temples reduce the ill-effects caused by Mangal Dosha. However, there are only a few temples in the whole of India that are dedicated to Lord Mangal. The most popular temples are located in Tamil Nadu. Some are also located in Guwahati, Assam. Performing these pujas on Tuesdays is very effective to reduce the ill effects of Mangal dosha. Visit a Lord Hanuman temple and worship him on Tuesdays. Offer vermilion and sweets. Also light a ghee lamp at the temple. - Offerings and contributions
Making contributions on Tuesdays is considered as a remedy for Manglik individuals. Some objects that are considered as items that should be offered to please Mars are swords or knives, food that are made of red lentil daals (masoor daal), wheat breads, red silks, and red stones such as corals. - Gemstones
Wear in the ring finger of the right hand a golden ring with a bright red coral. However, get the horoscope chart analyzed thoroughly by a trusted astrologer before wearing it.
Significance of the number of matched Gunas:
According to Vedic astrology, there are 36 gunas that are matched to check the compatibility of two people who want to get married. The total number of points under ashta koota matching makes 36 gunas. For a happy and successful marriage, there should be at least 18 gunas match among 36.
Below 18 Gunas: No chances of success in the marriage
18 to 25: a good match
25 to 32: Great match for marriage
32 to 36: Excellent match
Guna Milan is a must if you want to live a happy and fulfilling life. You can predict the future relationship of two individuals and how they will interact in the future through Guna Milan. It is based on the moon’s placement in the kundali of both males and females, who are bound to marry each other.If you get at least 18 points when getting a gunna match, it is good enough for marriage but try to find people with higher gunna matches. Above Twenty-five is good for marriage, and it is essential to also look at what are the gunas that are being matched.
Importance Of Kundli Matching
As you know, Indian is a country where arranged marriage is a preferred norm. And, marrying a person who is different from you and whom you have never met before can be tricky. That is one reason why Hindus consider matching two kundalis or janampatris before finalizing a marriage. During Kundali Milan, the horoscopes of the bride and groom are matched to determine whether the couple’s life will be happy and successful. One major reason why Kundali is matched before the wedding is to check the overall marriage compatibility of the bride and groom. As per astrology, there are 36 gunas in total, which are matched to determine how compatible the two people are and how prosperous their life will be. If the gunas have problems, then an astrologer may provide various remedies.
Kundali milan of the would-be couple is also considered important to look through the happiness and health of children. For instance Nadi, the eighth guna indicates the chances of childbirth or if there are any problems arising around it. The kundali matching is used to ascertain physical and mental compatibility. The placements of the planets in the birth chart of both the partners can show their behavioral patterns. Therefore, kundali milan is used to predict both the couple’s mindset, interest, attitude, behavior, and other such parameters. The matching also evaluates the health and well being of both the boy and girl. Physical attraction is also evaluated so as to ensure there is an adequate level of desirability between the boy and the girl.
The timing and positioning of stars can sometimes be such that they create dasha in the person’s horoscope chart such as Shani Dasha or Mangal Dasha. With the help of kundali matching the bad effects of dashas can be lessened. To solve problems of unmatched or mismatched kundalis, an astrological guide for Kundali Milan is sought. An experienced astrologer will suggest certain upayas that can help reduce the ill and negative effects of the dashas or yogas in the kundali of the couple.
By matching Kundali, they also determine financial stability and career prospects. As per Vedic astrology, the movement of planets, after marriage, not only does affect an individual’s lives but both the partners’ lives too. And, every parent looks for a financially stable partner for their children when looking for marriage prospects.
Once the kundali has been matched, the astrologer may suggest certain poojas for a happy and successful married life.
With the help of Kundali matching the health and happiness of children to be born later can be predicted too. Nadi the eighth guna in the Kundali is helpful in indicating the childbirth and potential problems arising around it. Since for a happy and healthy family the health and wellness of children is extremely important, Kundli Milan is necessary to know about it.
Kundali Milan is also important in the case of love marriages as well. Although the couple generally wants to avoid this step due to possible negative results, this can in fact help them to avert future problems. As horoscope matching also has solutions to the problems through various Pujas it only helps and making the bond stronger. The trustedteller.com is known for performing such pujas for various couples and helped them overcome various marriage related issues.
Once the Kundali is matched the astrologer may suggest some special Puja for a happy and prosperous married life. These Pujas may be suggested for well-matched kundlis as well to enhance the positivity in the relationship. Kundalis are also required in later stages even post-marriage like some sudden health-related or financial issues. In such cases, the astrologer ascertains whether some sudden or unwanted movement of any particular star or planet is creating ill-effect.
Vedic astrology emphasizes the importance of kundli milan for happy and successful married life. It is believed the nature and future of an individual can be predicted through his horoscope therefore kundli-matching by a renowned and knowledgeable astrologer is a must before getting into a life-long institution called marriage.