Names of Lord Vishnu starting from 871 to 905 out of 1000 names- Shlokha 93 to 96 out of 108 Shlokhas. Person with Moon in Shatabhishak Nakshatra can chant these names of Vishnu Sahasranamam.
Shlokha 93:
871. sattva-van: He Who controls the sattva guna that paves the way for liberation
872. Sattvikah: He Who confers the fruits of sattva guna
873. Satyah: One Who is well-disposed towards pious souls.
874. satya-dharma-parayanah: He Who is pleased with the true dharma practiced by His devotees
875. abhiprayah: He Who is the object of choice.
876. priyarhah: He Who is rightly the object of love.
877. arhah: The greatest Lord to be worshipped.
878. priya-krt: He Who does what is wanted by others.
879. prIti-vardhanah: Who increases the joy of His devotees
Shlokha 94:
880. vihayasa-gatih: He Who is the means for the attainment of paramapadam
881. Jyotih: The Light that leads to Sri Vaikuntham and is self-luminous.
882. su-rucih: He of lovely effulgence
883. huta-bhug-vibhuh: He that is the Bright Fortnight of the Moon.
884. ravih: The Sun with his brilliance.
885. virocanah: He of various splendors – such as Sun, moon, day, night, etc.
886. suryah: One who generates Sri or brilliance in surya or agni.
887. Savita: He Who produces or brings life in the form of the Sun.
888. ravi-locanah: He Who illuminates.
Shlokha 95:
889. ananta-huta-bhug-bhokta: He Who is indra and brahma
890. sukha-dah: The Giver of Bliss to His devotees.
891. naika-dah: The Giver of many things
892. agra-jah: He Who manifests in front of the mukta-s.
893. a-nir-vinnah: He Who is not tired of fulfilling the wishes of His devotees.
894. sada-marshI: He Who is ever patient
895. lokadhishthanam: The Support of all the worlds.
896. adbhutah: He Who is extremely wonderful.
Shlokha 96:
897. sanat: The Object of enjoyment.
898. sanatana-tamah: The Most Ancient.
899. kapilah: He Who is of beautiful complexion.
900. kapir-avyayah: He Who enjoys the never-diminishing Bliss.
901. svasti-dah: The Giver of Auspiciousness.
902. svasti-krt: The Doer of good to the devotees.
903. svasti: He Who is Auspiciousness.
904. svasti-bhuk: The Protector of all that is auspicious.
905. svasti-dakshinah: He Who gives auspicious things as dakshina to his devotees.