Vishnu Sahasranamam names starting 612 and ending at 647 can be mapped to the Anuradha nakshatra. Shlokha 65-68 out of 108 are best suited for this nakshatra and person with moon in Anizham/Anuradha can chant these names of Lord Vishnu.
Shlokha 65:
612. Sridah: The Giver of Glories. om Sridaya namh.
613. SriSah: He Who is the lord of Sri.
614. Srinivasah: He who is in The Abode of Lakshmi
615. Srinidhih: He in whom lakshmi or wealth resides.
616. Srivibhavanah: He who owes His greatness to Lakshmi.
617. Sridharah: The Bearer of Sri.
618. Srikarah: a) He who is with Lakshmi in his incarnations.
619. sreyas-sriman: He who has Lakshmi who is resorted to by devotees for attaining the good.
620. loka-trayasrayah: He Who is the Resort for all three worlds.
Shlokha 66:
621. svakshah: The Beautiful-Eyed.
622. sva’ngah: The Lovely-bodied.
623. SatAnandah: He of infinite Bliss.
624. nandih: He who is ever delighted.
625. jyotir-gaNeSvarah: The Lord of the host of lustrous deities
626. vijitAtmA: He whose mind has been conquered by devotees.
627. vidheyAtmA: He who has the jiva-s as subservient to Him.
628. sat-kIrtih: He of true renown.
629. chinna-samSayah: The Dispeller of all doubts.
Shlokha 67:
630. udirnah: He Who visibly manifests Himself through His incarnations.
631. sarvatash-cakshuh: He Who is visible to the eyes of all.
632. anisah: He Who has no one above Him as the Master.
633. sasvata-sthirah: He Who is eternally existent and steady.
634. bhusayah: He who lies inside every one of His creations as their antaryami.
635. bhushaNah: He Who becomes adorned
636. bhutih: He Who is the personification of Glory
637. asokah: He Who is without sorrow.
638. sokanasanah: The Destroyer of sorrows.
Shlokha 68:
639. arcishman: He Who has great luster.
640. arcitah: He Who is worshipped.
641. kumbhah: He Who shines in this world.
642. visuddhatma: He of a pure nature.
643. visodhanah: The Purifier.
644. aniruddho: One who cannot be restricted.
645. apratirathah: The Matchless.
646. pradyumnah: He Who illumines the jivas.
647. amitavikramah: He of immeasurable steps.