Shlokha 53-56 and names of lord Vishnu 496 to 533 out of 1000 names of Vishnu Sahasranamam. These names can be mapped to Chitra Nakshatra.
Shlokha 53:
496. uttarah: The Savior of devotees
497. go-patih: The Master of all words
498. gopta: The Savior.
499. jnana-gamyah: He who is to be realized by knowledge.
500. puratanah: The Ancient.
501. sarira-bhuta-bhrit: He who supports all the tattvas which constitute the sarira
502. bhokta: The Enjoyer.
503. kapindrah: The Lord of the monkeys.
504. bhuri-dakshinah: The giver of liberal gifts.
Shlokha 54:
505. somapah: He who drank the soma juice after performing sacrificial offerings in His Rama incarnation.
506 – amritapah: The drinker of nector.
507. somah: The Nectar orThe moon.
508. puru-jit: The Conqueror of all.
509. puru-sattamah: He who remains with the great.
510. vinayah: The Subduer.
511. jayah: He who is victorious.
512. satya-sandhah: He whose promises are always true.
513. dasarhah: He who is worthy of gifts.
514. sattvatam-patih: The Lord of the sattvatas.
Shlokha 55:
515. jivah: He who gives life to His devotees.
516. vinayita: He who shows the path to everyone.
517. sakshi: The witness.
518. mukundah: He who gives moksha.
519. amita-vikramah: He of boundless valor.
520. ambho-nidhih: He who has the waters as His abode
521. anantatma: The Inner Soul of ananta.
522. mahodadhi-sayah: He Who is reclining in the vast ocean.
523. antakah: He Who brings out the end of all.
Shlokha 56:
524. ajah: He who is not born.
525. maharhah: He who is worthy of worship.
526. svabhavyah: He who is to be meditated upon by those who belong to Him.
527. jitamitrah: a) He who helps His devotees conquer enemies such as anger, kamam, ahamkaram, mamakaram, etc.
528. pramodanah: He who is always joyful.
529. anandah: He Who is Bliss.
530. nandanah: The Bliss-Giver.
531. nandah: He Who is full of things that are Blissful.
532. satya-dharma: He Who performs His dharma truthfully.
533. tri-vikramah: He Who pervades the three Vedas and worlds.