Slokha 49-52 and names of Vishnu from 456-495 and can be mapped to the Hasta Nakshatra
Shlokha 49:
456. su-vratah: He who protects anyone who surrenders.
457. su-mukhah: He with a charming face.
458. sukshmah: Subtle, delicate and difficult to comprehend.
459. su-ghoshah: He who is praised by the delightful voice of the Vedas.
461. su-hrt: The good-hearted and a true Friend.
462. mano-harah: He who captivates the heart.
463. jita-krodhah: He who has overcome anger.
464. vIra-bahuh: He of mighty arms.
465. vidaranah: He who cuts the sins of His devotees.
Shlokha 50:
466. svapanah: He who lulls people into sleep.
467. sva-vasah: He who is under His own control.
468. vyapi: The Pervader.
469. naikatma: He of diverse forms.
470. naika-karma-krt: He who performs diverse acts.
471. vatsarah: He who lives within all beings and in whom everything resides.
473. vatsi: He who possesses lots of calves and children
474. ratna-garbhah: He who is in possession of abundant wealth.
475. dhanesvarah: The quick giver of wealth.
Shlokha 51:
476. dharma-gup: He who protects dharma.
477. dharma-krt: He who induces His devotees to follow dharma.
478. dharmi: He who has dharma as an instrument.
479. sat: He who is commendable.
480. aksharam (sat): He whose existence is never diminished or destroyed in any way.
481. a-sat: That which does not exist now, but existed in the past as well as future.
482. asat-ksharam: He who moves away from the bad.
483. avijnata: The Non-cognizant.
484. sahasramsuh: He who has a thousand rays
485. vidhata: a) The Supreme Controller.
486. krta-lakshanah: He who has prescribed the distinguishing characteristics for the pious.
Shlokha 52:
487. gabhasti-nemih: He who has the effulgent cakra as His weapon.
488. sattva-sthah: He who is in the hearts of the devotees.
489. simhah: He who took the nrisimha form.
490. bhuta-mahesvarah: The Supreme Lord of all beings.
491. adi-devah: He who is the first cause and is endowed with effulgence.
492. maha-devah: The greatest god.
493. devesah: The Ruler of Gods.
494. deva-bhrit: The Supporter of gods.
495. guruh: The teacher.