Names of Vishnu Sahasranamam starting from 417 to . Slokhas 45-48 out of 108 and these names can be mapped to the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.
Shlokha 45:
417. rtuh: He who is the Seasons
418. sudarsanah: He who provides auspicious vision.
419. kalah: He who measures everyone’s karma and doles out the phala.
420. parameshthi: He who resides in the Supreme Abode, Sriviakuntham.
421. parigrahah: He who takes all with Him.
422. ugrah: The Formidable.
423. samvatsarah: He in whom everything resides.
424. dakshah: He who is quick in action.
425. visramah: The Place of Rest.
426. visva-dakshinah: He who is well-disposed towards all.
Shlokha 46:
427. vistarah: He who is spread out in everything.
428. sthavar-sthanuh: He who is tranquil after establishing the dharma.
429. pramanam: The Authority.
430. bijam-avyayam: The Seed Imperishable.
431. arthah: The Goal
432. anarthah: He who is not the goal for some.
433. maha-kosah: He who has a great treasure.
434. maha-bhogah: He who has objects of great enjoyment.
435. maha-dhanah: He of great wealth.
Shlokha 47:
436. anirvinnah: He who is never despondent.
437. sthavishthah: He who is Immense.
438. bhuh: The supporter.
439. dharma-yupah: He who is united with dharma.
440. maha-makhah: The Great yajna-svarupi.
441. nakshatra-nemih: He who makes the stars move.
442. nakshatri: He who is the stars.
443. kshamah: He who is competent.
444. kshamah: He who is in a diminished form.
445. samihanah: He who establishes and assigns duties to all others.
Shlokha 48:
446. yajnah: The Sacrifice.
447. ijyayah: He who is the only to be worshipped.
448. mahejyah: He who is the best among all to be worshipped.
449. kratuh: He who is to be worshipped through the sacrifices called kratus.
450. satram: He who is worshipped by the sacrifice called satram.
451. satam gatih: The Goal of the pious.
452. sarva-darsI: The one who knows and can see everything.
453. nivrttatma: He whose mind is turned away from worldly desires.
454. sarvajnah: The Omniscient.
455. jnanam-uttamam: The Greatest Knowledge.