Names of Vishnu sahasranamam Slokha 81-84 starting 763 to 795 and can be mapped to the Uttarashada Nakshatra.
Shlokha 81:
763. tejo-vrshah: He Who showers His splendor on His devotees in the form of His protection.
764. dyuti-dharah: He Who is like a majesty.
765. sarva-Sastra-bhrtam-varah: The Best among those warriors who are armed with all weapons.
766. pragrahah: The Controller.
767. nigrahah: He Who has a firm control over all creation.
768. vyagrah: He Who has no end.
769. naika-sr’ngah: He Who has many rays of effulgence radiating from Him.
770. gadagrajah: The elder brother of gada
Shlokha 82:
771. catur-murtih: He of Four Forms.
772. catur-bahuh: The Four-armed.
773. catur-vyuhah; a) He of the form of four forms
774. catur-gatih: He Who is in the form of the four purusharthas.
775. catur-atma: He Who has four forms in His vyUha incarnation.
776. catur-bhavah: The Source of the four – varnas, asramas, purursharthas, etc.
777. catur-veda-vit: He Who is the Knower of the four Vedas.
778. eka-pat: He Whose manifestation in the form of this Universe is only one-fourth of Himself.
Shlokha 83:
779. samavartah: He Who takes incarnations again and again for the benefit of His devotees.
780. nivrttatma: He whose mind is turned away from worldly attachments.
781. dur-jayah: He Who is Invincible.
782. dur-atikramah: He Who cannot be bypassed by those who seek relief from samsara
783 dur-labhah: He Who is difficult to attain for those who are not single-minded in their devotion to Him.
784 dur-gamah: He Who is difficult to attain because of His Effulgence.
785 dur-gah: He Whose realization is constrained by our own limitations.
786 dur-avasah: He Whose place of residence (SrI vaikunTham) is not easy to attain.
787. durari-ha: The Dispeller of the evil-minded enemies.
Shlokha 84:
788. Subha’ngah: He with an auspicious form that is meditated upon by His true devotees.
789. loka-sara’ngah: He Who is reachable through the essence (sara) of the vedas, namely pranava. And is the object of devotion (loka-sara).
790. su-tantuh: He Who has expanded this Universe starting from Himself.
791. tantu-vardhanah: He Who augments the expansion of Himself into this world, by protecting it.
792. indra-karma: He Who is responsible for the powers of indra.
793. mahA-karma: He of magnanimous actions.
794. krta-karma: One Who has achieved all there is to achieve.
795. Krtagamah: The Propounder of spiritual texts.