Marriage is a sacred bond that is sadly broken quite often by many. It is thought that affairs are easier now because of more intermingling between the genders and the advent of technology. But perhaps it is the same advanced technology that has made it easier for an erring spouse to get caught. Astrology can tell if a person is more prone to affairs. It shows weaknesses and flaws that might make a person predisposed towards seeking a relationship outside of marriage. It can also identify the most likely time periods.
The Factors To Study For Affairs
Vedic astrology to a certain extent looks at the psychology behind an affair. A person who has an affair might be motivated by many factors. The most common factors are the mind, passion, romantic feelings and courage to do the forbidden. Each of these factors and personality traits can be seen in a horoscope. A person with a strong mind does not stray from his/her marital vows easily and we can study the moon as well as the 4th house of happiness for the mind and happiness at home. Courage is seen from the 3rd house. The other factors can be studied from the 5th, 7th, 8th, 11th and 12th houses.
The 5th house and the 7th houses and malefic aspects there are the main considerations for Affairs in the chart. Secrecy and having multiple secret affairs are ascertained by yuti of the 5th, 7th and 8th lords and Malefic aspects and conjunctions. A systematic kundli matching approach can easily identify the probability of affairs in the chart.

Relationship Issues
Seldom does a person look outside of marriage unless there is some dissatisfaction within the marriage. So, before looking for signs of unfaithfulness one must first study how the person is in relationships. When there are signs in a horoscope that the person will tend to have a relationship or marital issues, one can more confidently look for signs of infidelity.
It takes an expert analysis to determine and confirm infidelity. One must be wary of jumping to conclusions based on a few parameters in a person’s chart. There is always free will and a person always has the choice to do the right thing. A horoscope only indicates the tendency. Proper horoscope matching before marriage can negate many of these issues.
Infidelity And The Mind
When the Moon is well-positioned and without any malefic aspects it indicates that the person has a clear mind. The 5th and 9th houses should also be strong to indicate that the person’s mind and thinking are all aligned with the keeping of the right Dharma. When the Moon is affected by malefics it can cloud the thinking and spoil the judgement of the person. A clouded mind and 4th house also indicate that the person is dissatisfied. A person who has a mind that tends to find fault and always be unsatisfied will not be happy even with the best partner.

Infidelity and Passion
Some people are unfaithful because they crave more sexual thrills than they get in marriage. We can study the chart for tendencies for too many sexual cravings. For this, the 7th, 8th, and 12th houses are studied. Mars and Venus in particular when together or in Parivartan should be studied. Even when the Rashi chart does not show such indications one might find clues in the Navamsa chart.
There are many people who struggle with issues within marriage and unsatisfied sexual urges. In comparison, it is only a minority who actually stray from their partners and commit adultery. This takes courage to defy the norms of society and risk one’s marriage and reputation. Courage to perform such deeds is seen from the 3rd house of the chart.

Multiplicity in relationships or other facets of life can be seen through signs that are dual in nature. These are Mithuna (Gemini), Dhanus (Saggitarius) and Meena (Pisces). The planet Mercury is also a strong significator of duality.

Some Positions That Indicate A Predisposition To Having Affairs
The 7th lord in the 9th house indicates a spouse with interest in other people. Affliction to the 9th house makes it more severe.
An unafflicted Venus and Mars will point to the person having an average sexual appetite and being easily satisfied with the partner. When Venus is afflicted by Mars infidelity is due to overt sexual appetites. Rahu has the same effect when it is conjoined with or aspecting Venus. When Venus is in the 7th or the lord of the 7th house and is afflicted by Saturn it can lead to infidelity. This is because of a lack of fear and respect for the rules of society.
When Venus is in the 12th house the interest in pleasures is above the average. Additional affliction to the Moon or ascendant amplifies the chances of infidelity.
Any weakness in the main Rashi chart must be verified and confirmed in the Navamsa. Events in the horoscope are most likely to occur during the Mahadasha or Antardasha of the connected planets.