Ashlesha Nakshatra
- According to Vedic astrology, Ashlesha Nakshatra is the 9th Nakshatra of the zodiac.
- The ruling planet is the planet of intelligence – Buddha (Mercury). Chandra (Moon) is the lord of the sign for this Nakshatra.
- The symbols are a coiled snake, circle or wheel. The animal symbol is a male cat. Nature is Rakshasa (demon), and the presiding deity is Ahi (the naga/serpent of wisdom).
- According to popular belief, individuals under this Nakshatra tend to have a serpent’s sight, which means that even a single look cast by them can be very effective.
- Individuals with this Nakshatra appear to be rude outwardly. They will usually have a stout body structure and sharp features.
Positive Characteristics
- Individuals born under Ashlesha Nakshatra possess strong personas and leadership qualities.
- Carry immense mental strength and believe themselves to be free-living people.
- They are born to explore and conquer. They hold the potential to lead the masses towards different directions.
- Ashlesha possess enormous valour and are proud individuals.
- These individuals are highly skilled and have strong eloquence, which attracts others towards them.
- Their inherent nature is to reach the highest goal, which also makes them determined and stubborn at times.
- They are loyal and would not engage in betraying anybody.
- Like to stay close to people who agree to their opinions, and they truly attach to them.
- They have much luck, which helps in taking them to good places.
Negative Characteristics

- Ashlesha Nakshatra born individuals appear to be harsh and callous.
- People around them perceive them as rude and proud by nature.
- They have a very harsh attitude towards life and do not tend to care much about the world around them.
- They may incline gambling, theft and black marketing.
- Few of the other negative traits of these individuals include mental instability, impolite, lack of social skills, possessive, rule breakers, secretive, lack of appreciation, disconnected, temperamental, and ungrateful.
Ashlesha Nakshatra Male Characteristics
Ashlesha Nakshatra born males possess rude appearance with a stout body.
Talkative and can attract people with make-believe words.
Have an inbuilt characteristic of leadership and can excel in the political field.
Very intelligent and can lead a mass in any direction.
Ashlesha do not trust people easily; and once they do, they get attached to them and do not discriminate between rich and poor, along with good and bad people.
Do not give into infidelity or cheating, once committed.
May take up Arts or Commerce line of education, as both are beneficial for their future.
Strongly support their family and are likely to take the entire family’s responsibility.
Ashlesha Nakshatra Female Characteristics
Females born under this Nakshatra are usually good looking.
They possess a non-caring attitude and an inherent shyness in behaviour.
Have high moral orders and respect and recognition.
Ashlesha has the potential to conquer their counterparts through vocabulary twisting.
Women born under this Nakshatra do well in official work. They have high potential in the fields of administration.
Their household administration prowess enables them to deal efficiently with their in-laws carefully.
Professionalism for Ashlesha Nakshatra
- Ashlesha Nakshatra born individuals possess an insatiable desire to reach the top. Tend to focus on their goals in a way that they forget to enjoy the present and small happiness.
- They do excellently well in the fields of Arts and Commerce.
- Perform well in career fields that include politics, marketing, etc. They also make good lawyers and advocates.
- They may also opt for the entertainment industry and astrology.
- Having Mercury as their planetary lordship, they are more inclined towards business than in any profession.
Family Life

- The individuals under this Nakshatra may have to bear the entire family’s responsibility due to various reasons.
- They may not be able to share a very blissful relationship with their spouse and may lack mutual understanding. This makes conjugal life a little difficult.
- Ashlesha Nakshatra born males are prone to different health hurdles, which may also make them lose their peace of mind
- Some of the health issues that they may experience are stomach problems, leg and knee pain, jaundice, and addiction to drugs and alcohol.
- Females born under this Nakshatra are also prone to joint pains and jaundice, along with hysteria, dropsy, and indigestion.
- Females may also be prone to nervous breakdowns.