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Second House in Hindu Astrology

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What is Second House In Vedic Astrology?

The second house represents your immediate family, values & the planetary placements here represent your overall facial structure such as eyes, mouth, oral health, nose, neck, throat and speech as well as your wealth & earning potential. It is known as the Kutumba Bhava.

In a Vedic Horoscope, there exist 12 bhavas or houses, each linked to specific events in human life. Each house exclusively delineates a particular set of life events, representing them through the corresponding house in the Vedic horoscope.

Similarly, the second house in Vedic Astrology is referred to as the ‘Kutumba Bhava’ or the house of family and wealth. This house signifies aspects such as material possessions, amassed wealth, speech, and family matters. Additionally, the second house is intricately connected to our values, ethics, and personal resources.

The 2nd house holds significance in an individual’s birth chart, situated adjacent to the 1st house (the ascendant). It primarily encompasses aspects closely connected to the initial stages. Therefore, the second house is linked to immediate family and the developmental phase of growing up. It is commonly referred to as the house of possessions, signifying not only tangible belongings but also encompassing our emotions, feelings, relationships with younger siblings, and overall material wealth. Top of Form

Among the 12 astrology houses, the Second House in Astrology is commonly referred to as the “Kutumb Bhava” or “Dhan Bhava,” often celebrated as “The House of Possession.” This house plays a pivotal role in revealing what holds value in our daily lives. It primarily deals with financial matters, encompassing various aspects such as:

Artha (Wealth)

Bhukthi (Food)

Dhakshakshi (Right Eye)

Annapana (Whether one eats or drinks)

Asya (Face)

Nayana (Eye)

Pathrika (Document)

Vak (Speech)

Kutumbha (Family)

Mangalam (Auspicious, Happy)

Sva (Property)

The Second House represents a spectrum of elements, including family, face, right eye, speech, food, wealth or finances, optimistic approach, manner, and self-acquisition. It serves as an indicator for aspects like eating habits, learning, food and drink, movable property, as well as documents and letters.

In Vedic Astrology, the 2nd house not only determines your immediate family but also extends its influence to encompass close relatives such as brothers, sisters, grandparents, uncles, and aunts. Additionally, this house plays a significant role in shaping your family’s wealth profile and influencing your early upbringing, indicating whether affluence is likely in the initial years of your life.

When it comes to body parts and physical attributes, the 2nd house governs areas such as the eyes and the lower part of the face, including the neck, throat, mouth, cheeks, chin, nose, nails, teeth, and tongue. In broader worldly matters, the second house represents aspects like the nation’s wealth and related factors such as economic development.

Areas Represented by the 2nd House

The 2nd House in astrology embodies a wide array of facets, serving as a symbolic representation for:

Personal Resources








Early Life

Precious Stones


Enjoyment of Pleasures

Role of the 2nd House in Astrology

Moving from the first house, which represents the self or identity, to the second house signifies a transition to the realm of resources necessary for sustaining oneself. In the context of the ascendant being linked to identity, the second house assumes the role of providing the essential resources required to uphold and preserve that identity.

Second House in Birth Horoscope:

The second house in astrology encompasses everything tangible and valuable, constituting what can be touched, seen, felt, and owned. This includes items that hold significance in shaping an individual’s identity. It is in the second house that people establish their presence in the world and define themselves.

Widely acknowledged as ‘Dhana Bhava,’ translating to the house of wealth, the second house holds a crucial role in career astrology. It is the domain of possessions, emphasizing the valuable elements in an individual’s life, which differ from person to person.

Linked intimately to an individual’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth, the second house reflects the values and principles guiding one’s life and decision-making. It signifies material possessions, personal values, and what an individual holds dear, shedding light on attitudes towards ownership and material security.

Furthermore, the second house unveils one’s earning potential and approach to financial stability. The planets and signs positioned in this house offer insights into the strategies employed to achieve financial success.

Beyond finances, the second house represents innate talents and skills contributing to an individual’s ability to generate income. It provides a glimpse into one’s capacity to create value in various aspects of life.

2nd House in Time-based Astrology

The second house in astrology governs our immediate family dynamics, encompassing relationships with parents, siblings, and relatives. It delves into the emotional bonds forged within the family, and the planetary positions in this house can influence these relationships and the support we receive from our family members.

Additionally, the second house is intricately tied to our communication skills, encompassing the way we express ourselves and the tone of our voice. A robust second house signifies excellent communication and verbal abilities, whereas a weaker second house may manifest as challenges such as speech impediments.

This house extends its influence over our dietary habits, reflecting on the food we consume, our digestive health, and the overall well-being of our mouth and teeth, including our smile. Planetary placements in the second house play a role in shaping eating habits and overall health.

Furthermore, the second house represents material possessions acquired through personal efforts, such as cars, houses, and other assets. The positioning of planets in the second house determines the nature of these acquisitions and possessions.

In Prashna Kundali, a benefic planet in the second house indicates an increase in family wealth and overall happiness. Relationships with finance are influenced by the conjunction of the Lagna lord and second lord or if the Lagnesh is in Ithasala with the second house. The conjunction or mutual aspect of the Moon, Lagnesh, and second lord, especially in the second house, Kendra, or Trikona, signifies immediate gains for the querent. Benefic Shad Vargas related to the Second Lord in conjunction with the Second House implies secure and immediate gains for the querent.

Chinese Astrology

Chinese Astrology employs a system of 12 animals and one of the five elements to define predictions on a yearly basis, such as the Year of the Monkey. This astrological system aims to balance the yin and yang forces.

In Chinese Astrology, the 2nd house is referred to as the ‘Youth Palace,’ emphasizing early life development. At its core, this house interprets an individual’s connection with their siblings. According to Chinese tradition, siblings are believed to share a profound karmic connection that can extend across lifetimes. The 2nd house in Chinese Astrology unveils the atmosphere of one’s childhood, detailing early life developments in personality, and shedding light on the prevalence and nature of the relationship with siblings.

The 2nd House Represents Financial matters

In Vedic Astrology, the second house is known as Dhana Bhava, translating to the “house of money,” providing insights into an individual’s financial position. This house delves into the potential for earning money and the individual’s financial management skills. It offers information about the sources of income, as well as the patterns of saving and spending.

The second house encompasses accumulated wealth, including liquid assets, jewelry, gold, silver, precious stones, fixed deposits, bonds, stocks, and more. Notably, land and houses are generally associated with the 4th house in Vedic Astrology rather than the 2nd house. The 4th house is specifically linked to properties and real estate matters in the astrological context.

2nd House Shows Your Material Possessions

The second house in astrology unveils the material possessions that individuals accumulate through their skills. This accumulation often stems from a combination of greed and fear, even though the awareness of not needing more than necessary exists. The act of accumulating provides emotional safety, fostering a sense of material stability, all influenced by one’s perception of life.

Habits or obsessions related to accumulating possessions for emotional satisfaction are prevalent among individuals. This can manifest in various forms, such as collecting gold items, jewelry, clothes, shoes, accessories, fashion items, art materials, antique items, or anything that brings happiness.

In the context of possessions, the second house extends beyond tangible items to encompass intangible resources, including creative skills and expertise. These personal resources serve as tools for acquiring material wealth, and the skill sets involved range from acting, singing, and creative writing to driving, coding, cooking, or any other capabilities used to enhance one’s identity.

2nd House Denotes Family and Childhood

The second house in astrology plays a significant role in shaping an individual’s childhood, family dynamics, and the value system inherited from parents and ancestors. During childhood, there is a natural tendency to imitate parents and society, marking a silent learning period. The early education received, particularly from the mother, is reflected in this house, and these learnings become integral aspects that one adapts and carries into the future, referred to as ‘sanskaras’ or value systems.

This house specifically represents the immediate family, encompassing parents, siblings, and close relatives. It offers insights into the kind of environment an individual experiences during childhood. A nurturing and positive environment with care and love can significantly impact a growing child’s well-being, leaving a lasting positive effect throughout their life.

Conversely, a lack of family love and attention may lead to the development of addictive patterns. If parents themselves struggle with substance addiction, it can have enduring effects on children, manifesting as poor self-image, chronic depression, emotional trauma, anxiety, loneliness, or fear. These challenges can become imprinted in the child’s mind, potentially resulting in severe problems later in life. The presence of malefic planets in the second house can exacerbate disturbances in early childhood, amplifying the potential for adverse effects.

Food is Represented by the Second House

The second house in astrology holds significance in indicating an individual’s food and drinking habits. The nature of these habits is influenced by the specific planets that exert their influence on this house. If benefic and strong planets are associated with the second house, it suggests a positive and nurturing environment that promotes healthy eating and drinking habits.

On the contrary, if negative influences from malefic planets are prominent in the second house, it may indicate a susceptibility to unhealthy practices such as excessive alcohol consumption or substance abuse. The planetary configurations in the second house provide insights into an individual’s relationship with food and drinks, shedding light on whether these habits contribute to overall well-being or pose potential challenges.

2nd House Talks About Speech

The second house in astrology is associated with the body parts of the face, particularly the mouth, eyes, nose, and tongue. It is referred to as ‘vak sthana,’ meaning the house of speech. This house provides insights into an individual’s verbal capabilities and how effectively they use their voice. A positively influenced second house can result in an attractive voice, and the influence of benefic planets may guide individuals towards professions such as singing, creative arts, or writing.

It’s important to note that the second house indicates resources, and the utilization of these resources is seen in the 3rd house. For instance, possessing a good voice (2nd house) is just one aspect, and the ability to effectively communicate and interact with others is analyzed in the 3rd house. Therefore, the 2nd and 3rd houses are interconnected, reflecting different facets of communication and expression.

Conversely, the presence of malefic planets in the second house can lead to harsh and hurtful speech, potentially causing conflict and resentment. Words spoken with negative intent or a harsh tone can adversely impact relationships, underlining the importance of considering both positive and negative influences on verbal communication in astrology.

2nd House is the House of Restriction

The 2nd house in astrology is associated with constraints, particularly in the realm of material possessions, family, money, and worldly matters. This house signifies a sense of confinement or limitation, especially when desires escalate into greed. When unchecked, these desires can lead to unhappiness and misery, essentially creating a state of self-imprisonment.

This confinement in the 2nd house stands in contrast to the 8th house in astrology. While the 2nd house deals with limitations related to material aspects and desires, the 8th house is associated with seeking freedom on a spiritual level. The 8th house represents a quest for liberation and transcendence, often involving deeper spiritual and transformative experiences, in contrast to the material constraints highlighted by the 2nd house.

Planets in the Second House

Planets in the 2nd house and placement of its lord show the source of finance. Each planet will have its own effect on the second house. The problem comes when the conflict of energy happens. When planets with opposing energies come together, it will affect the native. For example, enemy planets like Sun-Saturn, Mercury-Mars etc can create many problems. These planets placed together in the second house usually create many ups and downs in money matters. Also, it is not good to have 6th, 8th, or 12th lords in this house. They can create a lot of hurdles in the areas represented by them.

Let’s explore the impact of various planets in the 2nd house.

Sun in the 2nd House

The Sun illuminates the 2nd house, instilling confidence and self-worth. You take pride in your financial achievements and strive for financial independence.

Moon in the 2nd House

The Moon influence in the 2nd house may lead to fluctuations in your financial situation. Emotional spending could be a challenge, but nurturing relationships with family members brings emotional security.

Mars in the 2nd House

Mars in the 2nd house can bring a dynamic and assertive approach to wealth acquisition. It fuels your drive to attain financial success, but it’s essential to channel its energy wisely to avoid impulsive financial decisions.

Mercury in the 2nd House

Enhances your communication abilities and business acumen. Your persuasive skills and financial intelligence can lead to success in commerce and trade.

Jupiter in the 2nd House

Indicate financial abundance and good fortune. It bestows you with a generous and philanthropic nature, encouraging you to share your wealth with others.

Venus in the 2nd House

With Venus gracing the 2nd house, you may experience prosperity through artistic endeavours and luxury goods. Your pleasant speech and charm can open doors to financial gains.

Saturn in the 2nd House

Can bring financial discipline and frugality. While it may delay material gains, it teaches valuable lessons in money management.

Rahu (North Node) in the 2nd House

May create a desire for material wealth and possessions. It is essential to be cautious about impulsive financial decisions and focus on long-term stability.

Ketu (South Node) in the 2nd House

Lead to detachment from material possessions. While it encourages spiritual pursuits, it is vital to maintain a balanced approach to finances.

Significator (Karaka) for the 2nd House

Jupiter is the significator for the 2nd House. The significator is like the judge, who approves the case. Therefore, Jupiter in the chart should be checked in order to judge the 2nd house.

Body Parts and Diseases Related to the 2nd House

Indeed, in astrology, the 2nd house is associated with specific body parts, and afflictions to this house can be reflected in health issues related to those areas. The body parts represented by the 2nd house include the eyes, face, mouth, cheeks, teeth, nose, and tongue. When the second house is afflicted, it can potentially contribute to various health problems in these regions. Some of the potential health issues associated with an afflicted 2nd house may include:

Eyesight Problems: Afflictions to the 2nd house may contribute to eye-related issues such as cataracts or other vision impairments.

Dental Problems: Dental health issues like cavities, gum diseases, or other problems with the teeth may be associated with afflictions to the 2nd house.

ENT Complications: Afflictions to the 2nd house could contribute to complications related to the ears, nose, and throat (ENT), such as infections or issues with hearing and speech.

Speech Disorders: Problems related to speech, including disorders, stammering, or difficulties in articulation, may be indicated by afflictions to the 2nd house.

Dumbness or Muteness: Severe afflictions to the 2nd house might be associated with more profound issues, potentially leading to conditions like dumbness or muteness.

It’s important to note that astrology is a symbolic system, and while it provides insights into various aspects of life, it is not a substitute for medical advice. Any health concerns should be addressed through consultation with healthcare professionals. Astrology can offer perspectives on potential challenges or areas of focus, but decisions about health should always involve qualified medical practitioners.

What Second House Beholds for Natives?

The Second House in astrology encompasses a broad spectrum of aspects that significantly influence an individual’s life and experiences. Here is a breakdown of the multifaceted representations associated with the Second House:

Financial Circumstances: Reflects an individual’s financial situation, including fortune, profit, gain, loss, and overall prosperity. It indicates what a person acquires through personal efforts and the degree of prosperity they may enjoy in their current life.

Valuables and Possessions: Represents what individuals value in the world, encompassing money, current and fixed assets, precious stones, jewelry, metals, documents, bonds, securities, stocks, and other exchangeable assets.

Loans and Finances: Indicates loans, money lent or borrowed, and earnings through speculation. It provides insights into the financial aspects of an individual’s life.

Spoken Ability: Reflects an individual’s ability to express themselves verbally, including whether they are introverted or extroverted. It also encompasses vision, observation, memory, and imagination.

Physical Attributes: Represents physical attributes such as moles and scars on the upper part of the body, including the nail, nose, tongue, teeth, and cheeks.

Family and Relatives: Deals with family and close relatives, providing information about gains through dependent family members. It reveals the dynamics and relationships within the family.

Lawsuits and Business: Encompasses lawsuits, trade, and the nature of business. It reflects the ability to buy and sell assets, as well as the extravagant or economical nature of an individual.

Faith and Knowledge: Represents faith in ancient knowledge, rites, rituals, and customs. It reflects an individual’s understanding and misunderstanding with family members.

Extravagance and Economy: Indicates the extravagant or economical nature of an individual, shedding light on their spending habits and financial management.

Maraka House: As a Maraka House, the Second House represents the potential for the end of life. The type or kind of death is analyzed with reference to other houses in the horoscope.

In summary, the Second House serves as a comprehensive indicator of an individual’s financial, familial, and personal aspects, offering valuable insights into their life experiences and characteristics.

General Predictions

The Second House in astrology holds a myriad of significations that are interrelated with various aspects of an individual’s life. Here’s a breakdown of additional significations associated with the Second House:

Loss of Younger Siblings: Indicates potential loss or challenges faced by younger siblings.

Expenditure of Younger Siblings: Reflects the financial expenditures or challenges experienced by younger siblings.

Gifts from Younger Siblings: Represents gifts given by younger siblings to you.

Diminishing Skills and Efforts: Suggests a potential reduction in skills and efforts.

Mother’s Elder Siblings: Represents the mother’s elder siblings and their influence on the individual.

Mother’s Gain or Profit: Indicates financial gains or profits experienced by the individual’s mother.

Mother’s Interaction with Network Circle: Reflects the mother’s interaction within her social or network circle.

Career of Children: Represents the career aspects of the individual’s children, especially the first child.

Image or Reputation of Children in Society: Indicates the image or reputation of the individual’s children in society.

Bosses of Children: Represents the bosses or authority figures of the individual’s children.

Karma for Learning Ancient Knowledge: Reflects the individual’s karmic journey in acquiring ancient knowledge.

Luck of Maternal Uncle: Indicates the luck or fortune of the maternal uncle.

Long Journeys of Maternal Uncle: Represents the long journeys undertaken by the maternal uncle.

Luck through Enemies: Indicates luck or fortune gained through interactions with enemies.

Death and Rebirth of Spouse: Reflects the cycles of death and rebirth experienced by the spouse.

Joint Assets of Spouse: Indicates joint assets or shared resources with the spouse.

Danger to Partner or Share of Profits: Suggests potential dangers to the partner or shared profits.

Spouse of In-laws: Represents the spouse of in-laws and their influence on the individual.

Business Partners of In-laws: Indicates the business partners of in-laws and their impact.

Legal Bonding of In-laws: Reflects legal connections or bonds within the in-laws’ family.

Interaction of In-laws with the World: Represents how in-laws interact with the external world.

Inheritance of In-laws: Indicates the inheritance or legacy of the in-laws.

Health of Gurus and Father: Represents the health and well-being of mentors and the father.

Enemies of Father or Gurus: Indicates potential adversaries or challenges faced by the father or mentors.

Enemies as per Psychological Beliefs: Reflects adversaries based on psychological beliefs and moral values.

Investments and Speculations in Career: Indicates financial investments and speculations related to career.

Education, Knowledge, and Creativity of Bosses: Represents the education, knowledge, and creativity of superiors or bosses.

Comforts of Elder Siblings: Indicates the comforts provided by elder siblings.

Comforts of Friends: Reflects the kind of space provided to friends within the home.

Relation of Elder Siblings with Own Mother: Represents the relationship between elder siblings and the individual’s own mother.

Younger Siblings of Paternal Grandmother: Indicates younger siblings of the paternal grandmother.

Writing and Communication Style of Paternal Grandmother: Represents the writing and communication style of the paternal grandmother.

Efforts to Spend Money: Reflects the efforts made to spend money.

Short Journeys Traveled by Secret Enemies: Indicates short journeys undertaken by secret enemies.

These additional significations further enrich the understanding of the complexities associated with the Second House in astrology, offering insights into various aspects of an individual’s life and relationships.

Second House as per Lal Kitab

In Lal Kitab, the Second House is attributed with specific significations and importance, emphasizing its role in shaping an individual’s life. According to Lal Kitab principles:

In-laws and Their Family: The Second House represents in-laws and their family dynamics, highlighting the relationships and interactions within this extended family.

Wealth, Gold, and Treasure: Lal Kitab associates the Second House with wealth, including material assets like gold and treasure. This underscores the financial aspect of an individual’s life.

Fund and Financial Resources: The Second House is indicative of funds and financial resources, reflecting the individual’s financial well-being and stability.

Religious Place and Cowshed: Lal Kitab includes religious places and cowsheds as significations of the Second House, suggesting a connection between one’s wealth and their religious or spiritual inclinations.

Stone and Family: The presence of stone as a signification in the Second House may have symbolic or specific implications in Lal Kitab. Additionally, the house is associated with family matters.

According to Lal Kitab principles, the activation of the Second House is influenced by the presence of a planet in the ninth or tenth house. If there is no planet in these houses, Lal Kitab suggests that the Second House may remain inactive, even if a favorable planet is placed in it.

The Lal Kitab perspective underscores the importance of the Second House in determining an individual’s standard of living, acquisition of assets, and the recognition they receive based on their wealth and possessions. It reflects the societal perception of an individual’s prosperity and plays a crucial role in shaping their image and standing in the community.

Significance of The 2nd House

Absolutely, the proper utilization of possessions and resources, as indicated by the Second House in astrology, holds the potential to significantly impact and improve one’s life. The Second House encompasses not only materialistic belongings but also reflects how an individual relates to close relatives and manages their financial standing.

Here are key points related to the impact of the Second House in astrology:

Transformation of Life: Effectively using resources and possessions can lead to a transformative impact on an individual’s life. By wisely managing assets and making informed decisions, one can enhance their overall well-being and life circumstances.

Financial Standing: The Second House plays a crucial role in determining an individual’s financial health and standing. Positive influences in this house can contribute to financial stability and growth.

Creation of More Resources: Using resources wisely can lead to the creation of additional wealth and resources. Strategic financial decisions and responsible management of assets can contribute to an increase in overall prosperity.

Relationships with Close Relatives: The Second House not only relates to material possessions but also signifies relationships with close relatives. Positive standing in this house can contribute to happier and more contented relationships with family members.

Fundamental and Elementary Aspects: Positioned between 30 to 60 degrees from the horizon, the Second House encompasses both fundamental and elementary aspects of life. It serves as a foundational element while also including some higher aspects, making it a comprehensive house that influences various facets of an individual’s existence.

Understanding the dynamics of the Second House in astrology allows individuals to make conscious decisions regarding their financial choices, resource management, and relationships with close relatives. By doing so, they can strive for a more purposeful and fulfilling life.