Frequently Asked Questions:
What is
- A Vedic Astrology and Content Portal that intends to assist users in taking prudent decisions.
- Perpetually increasing source of content on Vedic related topics. An application that will enable users to explore the spiritual dimension.
What are the services offered by
- Vedic Chart Analysis
- Understanding characteristics, love and compatibility, education, career, Karma, Business, areas of interest, health etc
- Offer services to retail and Institutional clients as well.
- Recommended Mantras for users. List of Mantras is recorded and uploaded in our you tube channel and text is mentioned in the website of Jothishi.
- Users may learn mantras which interests them if they wish to:
- Poojas (to be started: only Archana) for users who are interested.
- Poojas (Pushpanjali, Archana) will be done in a nearby temple and prasad will be couriered/posted.
- Every month on the Nakshatra day of the user.
- We are not into the “Poojary” Aggregator business nor can we handle any other poojas.
- Focus is only – monthly Archana’s on the Nakshatra day.
- Intend to publish spiritual magazines, provide advertisement Engine and Brand services in the portal/app and content related services.
How was the Vedic knowledge transmitted through ages?
- A combination of Sruthi and Smrithi.
- Rishis had great capabilities and Vedas, Upanishads etc have known to be transmitted through “hearing: 😊 over the ages.
- Smrithi is heard and written down and transmitted.
- In todays age one cannot think of hearing, remembering and transmitting large volumes like vedas etc – leave alone hearing and writing.
- Jothish seems to be a combination of both.
Does Shruti/Smriti transmission of knowledge sound unrealistic?
- Upto one to believe it or not.
What is the meaning of OM?
- A sacred sound that signifies the essence of ultimate reality or consciousness.
- A sound that helps one connect with Nature. Jeevatma to the Paramatma.
What significance does sound have in our life?
- Sound is conceptualized in the vedas as the cause of creation.
- It helps in invoking the power of nature.
- The different stages of sound as Paraa, Pashyanti, Madhyamaa, Vaikhari.
- Leading to Ichha Sakthi, Gyana Sakthi, Kriya Sakthi.
How do we connect with various sounds and Nature? Why do we need to connect?
- Spend more time with nature and people rather than gadgets and you will get connected.
- Over a period in time one will start noticing the sounds and getting connected.
- Not at all necessary to connect but would suggest to try this out and you will feel the difference.
What are the types of Mantras? What are Mantras?
- Mantras are sacred utterance, sound or a group of words that help induce an altered state of consciousness and are known to have psychological and spiritual benefits.
- Rig Veda and Sama Veda are a store house of mantras.
- MAN TRA – MAN Means Mind/ to Think and TRA means an instrument – Indicating an Instrument of Thought or Mind.
- The most basic mantra is OM – The Pranava Mantra – the Source of all Mantras.
- Mantras could be melodic, Mathematically Metered and structured and with Numinous sound capabilities.
Does it have an impact in our lives? If we chant repeatedly?
- Try it out: Choose any mantra which you like and get connected.
How do I get my mind to think good, do good and spread goodness?
- Move closer to god. Do your meditation and
- You will tend to meet good people.
- Thoughts will become more positive.
- Leading to more peace of mind.
- Ultimately think good for all as the differentiation between oneself and others minimizes.