The beauty of astrology lies in the fact that it addresses the common themes of everyday life. Even when the ancient texts have not directly mentioned many aspects of modern life we are able to very easily draw parallels. The topic of gender and sexuality are by no means new to mankind or astrology. (or even for that matter, Hinduism)
Gender Of Rashis And Grahas

The definitions of Rashi’s include assigning gender to each Rashi. It starts with male gender assigned to Aries or Mesha, Female for Taurus or Rishaba and so on. This can be interpreted in many different ways. The planets or Grahas also have genders assigned to them. The genders are not the usual binary but are three in number.

Male Grahas
The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are the male planets. When we compare the gender to the other significations of the planet we understand their specifics. Sun is masculine and mature. Mars is defined as a warrior and is a younger male. Jupiter the planet of wisdom is the wise and mature male.
Female Grahas
Venus and the Moon are the obviously feminine planets. Even the non-astrological texts extoll the feminine beauty of the two Grahas. Rahu is an explosive and wild energy. Rahu is also female and is specifically a female who is uncontrolled and wild.
Third Gender Grahas
The planets that do not fall into the male or female categories are Saturn, Ketu and Mercury. Saturn is the significator of old age and therefore sexually weak or neutral. Mercury is gender fluid, neither male nor female. Another interpretation of Mercury is that he is an adolescent and therefore has not become sexually mature yet. Some texts state that Saturn is a female who acts like a man while Mercury is a male who acts like a woman. The mythology of Mercury or Budh is that he was married to Ila who was androgynous. Ila who was born a female was cursed to change gender every month. Legend states that Budh and Ila switched genders in turns. Ketu is asexual and can induce celibacy.

So, Saturn, Mercury and Ketu are not heterosexual. However, Saturn is linked to low libido. Mercury tends towards homosexuality and Ketu towards lack of desire. We can study these three planets and their influences within a chart to study LGBTQ indications in a chart.

Third Gender Nakshatras
The nakshatras Mrigashira, Mula, and Satabhisa are considered to be of the third gender.

Sexual Tendencies In A Birth Chart
We can study the sexuality of a person by studying the Kama or desire houses. The Kama houses are 3rd, 7th and the 11th houses. Further, we can study the 4th, 5th, 8th, 11th and 12th houses for more detail. If any of the third gendered planets have an influence on these houses, the chart has to be examined for further indications. A pattern of male planets in feminine signs and vice-versa is also another basic indicator.
When a person has planetary positions that indicate a higher sex drive and this is combined with indications of LBBTQ desires the person is more likely to act on and live out their desires.
Since Jupiter is the significator of traditional practices it is thought that his influence on any of the houses indicating LGBTQ tendencies will nullify the same. It is debatable as to whether it nullifies them or causes the individual to suppress them.
Some of the positions that could indicate non-heterosexual tendencies are
- A weak or debilitated lord of the 7th house who is afflicted by natural malefics.
- Mars and Venus together in the 12th or 8th house. Rahu in conjunction or aspect adds to the tendencies.
- An affliction to the 5th and 7th houses with one of the house lords debilitated or affected by a malefic.
- Mercury and Ketu together in the 4th, 5th, 8th, 11th or 12th houses especially in the Rashis of Mithuna (Gemini) or Vrishik (Scorpio).
- All three of the third gender planets (Mercury, Saturn and Ketu) in the 8th or 12th houses are also seen in charts of members of the LGBTQ community.
- A very strong influence of the third gender planets on the Lagna with a strong female influence on the 7th house may indicate a lesbian. A very strong influence of the third gender planets on the Lagna with a strong male influence on the 7th house may indicate a gay person.
A good example chart and analysis can be found on this page.
The presence of such combinations is just an indicator. They have to be further confirmed with a study of the Navamsa (D9) chart. Some astrologers additionally use the Trimsamsa and Shashtiamsa charts.