Dashas are the time periods where the effect of the Dasha planet greatly influences our lives. The transition period from one Dasha to the next is called the Dasha Sandhi. One might be surprised to learn that the Dasha Sandhi’s also have to be considered in horoscope matching. Read on to know more.
Horoscope matching is a detailed process that matches all the factors of the charts of the prospective bride and groom. The first step is the Gun Milan or Ashtakoot that compares the Moon sign Nakshatras of the prospective groom and the bride. If this is not too low the next step is usually the comparison of the other planets in the chart. The positive and negative factors of the charts are to be balanced. One of the traditional factors that are considered is the Dasha Sandhi of bride and groom.

What Is A Dasha Sandhi
The unique feature of Vedic astrology as compared to other systems is the timing factor called Dasha. There are many Dasha systems that Vedic astrologers follow. The Vimshottari Dasha system is the most commonly used one because it gives good results and is very easy to understand and use. The Dasha/MahaDasha sequence and length of each Mahadasha is fixed. The total length of all the Mahadashas adds up to 120 years which is assumed as the longest lifespan.
- Ketu – 7 Years
- Venus – 20 Years
- Sun – 6 Years
- Moon – 10 Years
- Mars – 7 Years
- Rahu – 18 Years
- Jupiter – 16 Years
- Saturn – 19 Years
- Mercury – 17 Years

Within each Madadasha/Dasha is a sub-period called an Antardasha or Bhukti.
The results of a Dasha are largely dependent on the individual horoscope. The nature and placement of the planet determine the overall theme of the Mahadasha. The sub-periods add the effect of the other planets one by one in addition to that of the Mahadasha lord.
Dasha Sandhi Matching
Dasha Sandhi is the time when the Dasha changes from one Mahadasha to the other. This transition period can be easy and pleasant or rather drastic depending on the individual horoscope. However, the transition creates a difference in a person’s life and in their outlook. It is a rather awkward and sometimes challenging time. The effect of the Mahadasha change can be felt a little before the actual change date. When both spouses have Dasha changes within a year of each other it signals a big upheaval in their lives.

Fixing a marriage date in such a way that there is a Dasha change within a year of marriage is not recommended. This should be a point to be checked even before planning to arrange a wedding. The reason for this is that the Dasha Sandhi time is a mentally and emotionally turbulent or challenging time. Getting married is itself a life-changing event. Both the bride and the groom have to get used to living with each other and functioning as a couple. This is in itself a highly emotional time. It is also the time when the couple forges a bond with each other. It is sometimes referred to as the ‘honeymoon period’ before the harshness of life’s challenges set in. A Dasha change for one or both of the newlyweds at this time will stress the marriage even before it gets the chance to grow strong.
Sama or Samya Dasha
Sama Dasha is the situation when the Dashas of the groom and the bride run parallel. It is not advisable that both spouses have the same Dasha parallelly. Some astrologers do not give this factor much importance if all the other factors especially the longevity of both the spouses are good. If there is a situation where the same Dashas do overlap, it is better when the groom’s Dasha precedes the brides. If the reverse is true it indicates that there will be a negative impact on the prosperity of the couple.

The last Antardasha or Bhukti of a Mahadasha will be a period that is capable of giving great gain or loss to the significance of the Mahadasha. This entirely depends on the placement of the planet in the individual chart. When the Antardasha planet is placed favourably from the Mahadasha planet it will protect. When it is unfavourably placed it will weaken and cause this Dasha Sandhi to be dangerous or risky. Having this happen to both the husband and wife within a short period of time is most undesirable.
An excellent detailed discussion on this topic can found at link.