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Baby Names of Lord Ganesh

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Lord Ganesh Baby Names
AamoghUnerring, Lord Ganesha
AanayConsort of Goddess Radha, Another name of Lord Ganesh, Without a superior, Another name for Lord Vishnu
AariketLord Ganesh, Against desire
ChaturbhujOne who has four arms, Lord Ganesh; strong, broad shouldered
ChinmayeSupreme consciousness, Name of Lord Ganesh, Blissful
DharmikOne who gives charity, A name of Lord Ganesh; A Name for Lord Ganesha
GajdantElephant teeth, Lord Ganesh; elephant teeth, Ganesha
GajpatiMaster of elephant, Lord Ganesh; Owner of elephant, Ganesha
GajrupLord Ganesh, One who looks like a elephant; Lord Ganesh
GajvadanName of Lord Ganesh
GanapathiLord Ganesh, Lord of a group of close devotees, Who have reached the climax of devotion
GanapatizhankilaiLord Murugan, After Ganapati younger brother of Ganesh)
GanesaLord Ganesh, Lord of the army; good luck
GanesanLord Ganesh, Lord of the army
GaneshaLord Ganesh, Lord of the army (Son of Lord Shiva & Parvati)
GanpatLord Ganesh, Lord of a group of close devotees, Who have reached the climax of devotion
GanpatiLord of all ganas group of souls, Lord Ganesh
GaurikLord Ganesh, Mountain-born
GaurinandanLord Ganesh, Son of Gauri (Son of Gauri); son of Gauri (Lord Ganesh)
GaurisutaLord Ganesh, Son of Gauri (Son of Gauri); Son Of Gauri. Lord Ganesha
GhaneshLord Ganesh, Derived from ghan (Son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati)
GirijanandanLord Ganesh, Son of Girija (Son of Girija); son of Girija (Lord Ganesh)
GuninaLord of all virtues, Lord Ganesh; Lord of all virtues. Lord Ganesh
HerambaMothers beloved son, Boastful, Name of Ganapati; belonging to Lord Ganesh
JaineshLord Ganesh, Name of God
JhankarLord Ganesh, A low murmuring sound, Humming of bees
LambodarLord Ganesh, The huge bellied Lord; Lord Ganesh
ParinAnother name of Lord Ganesh
RudraunshLike Rudra i.e. Lord Hanuman, Shree Ganesh
RudvedName of Lord Ganesh
SajithVictorious superior, Lord Ganesh
YunayAnother name of Lord Ganesh