Match Your Kundali

Tamil Jathaka Porutham

Tamil weddings are aesthetically pleasing, simple, and elegant. The focus of Tamil weddings is placed on rituals and customs rather than extravaganza. This makes Tamil weddings stand out from other weddings in India. The process of the Tamil wedding ceremony begins after the completion of thirumana jathaka porutham.

The pre-wedding rituals in a Tamil wedding include panda kaal muhurtham, sumangali prarthanai, pallikai thellichal, vrutham, naandi shrardham, nischayathartham, and lagna pathirikai. Next the wedding rituals begin with mangala snanam, gauri puja, kashi yatra, pada puja, malai maatral, oonjal, kanyadaanam, muhurtham, and saptapadi. The post-wedding rituals in a Tamil wedding commence next with reception, samandhi maryathai, grihapravesham, and valeyadal. Tamil weddings provide an unforgettable experience and it all starts with the marriage jathaka porutham. 

What does kundli matching mean?

Kundli matching or kundli milan is also known as jathaka porutham for marriage in the Tamil language. Jathaka porutham is a valuable step before the marriage of the prospective bride and groom is fixed. It involves assessing the couple’s birth charts and making astrological predictions about their marital life together. Essentially, it reveals how compatible the couple are based on ten major components and whether any doshas are present which can hinder them from living their best life after marriage. Jathaka porutham in Tamil results can be categorized under uthamam, adhamam, or madhyamam. 

What is the importance of kundli matching in Tamil weddings?

Jathaka porutham is essential because without it the wedding preparations cannot begin. It evaluates compatibility between partners in various key areas and gives them the power to make optimal informed decisions about their future. It builds a foundation on which they can build a successful marriage together as jathaka porutham in Tamil for marriage also shows any doshas that can lead to obstacles in a couple’s married life. Knowing the problems beforehand means the couple can perform remedies to reduce the negative effects and thereby lead a happy and blissful life. 

How is Tamil kundli matching done?

The Tamil jathaka porutham is done using the Dashakoot system which checks compatibility in ten distinct areas. Three of these components are calculated based on the zodiac signs of the couple while the remaining components are calculated based on the birth charts of the couple.

Gana porutham

This porutham focuses on the personality traits of the couple and whether they can peacefully live together with their behaviours. Harmony is required in a marriage as it ensures both people are happy with their marriage. Gana porutham ensures that the couple can get along based on their temperaments. 

Rasi porutham

This component of thirumana jathaka porutham uses rashi as a basis for calculating the couple’s influence on one another. It checks if the zodiac signs are aligned and thereby leads to a marriage that is based on trust, commitment, and love. Rasi porutham is essential and can reveal a substantial amount about how much effort each partner is willing to put into the relationship. 

Dina porutham

The dina porutham shows how financially abundant the couple will be. It also sheds light on the health of the couple post-marriage. Health and wealth are among the most important components after marriage which is why this porutham is so important in kundli matching process. 

Rashyadhi porutham 

This component of the Tamil jathaka porutham is also called the rashi adipathi porutham in Tamil. It shows compatibility in terms of communication and how well the couple can talk about their needs with each other. This porutham also shows how wealthy the couple’s children will be in the future. It is based on the study of the ruling birth planets of each person. 

Mahendra porutham

The Mahendra porutham determines if the couple will have children and if so, how healthy they will be. It determines the health of their children in the long run as well as how prosperous the children will be when they grow up. 

Vasya porutham

Making a relationship work is a work in progress and this component of jathaka porutham Tamil reveals how willing each partner is to nurture their marital relationship. It also shows respect for the relationship and the value given to it. The vasya porutham determines how attractive each partner finds the other. 

Stree deergha porutham

The stree deergha porutham has a major influence on how happy the couple’s life will be once they get married. Additionally, it reveals the wealth that the couple will generate eventually after they tie the knot. In an ideal situation, the prospective groom’s nakshatra will be 13 nakshatras above the prospective bride’s.

Rajju porutham 

This porutham in the Tamil jathaka porutham for marriage determines how long the couple will live post-marriage. As it is connected to the mangal bhagya, it is considered very important during kundli matching. 

Yoni porutham

Yoni porutham determines the sexual compatibility between the couple and is based on the nakshatra of each individual. It shows how well the couple will enjoy their physical intimacy and desires. Sometimes, relationship problems arise due to different expectations related to sex and so this porutham helps identify problems if any. 

Vedha porutham

This component of Tamil jathaka porutham in Tamil determines how well the couple can work together to solve problems and difficulties that arise in their marriage. It shows whether the couple can work things out to live in harmony and if they will team up to solve issues that are threatening their marriage. 


Is it possible to get jathaka porutham by name in Tamil?

Yes, it is possible to get kundli matching done based solely on the names of the couple. However, it is better if one also gets the jathaka porutham by date of birth and time as the outcome will be more accurate instead of generic. 

What is a dosha?

A dosha can arise in arranged or love marriage jathaka porutham. It is the causative factor that leads to problems and can be quite severe if not rectified timely. Some examples of doshas include nadi dosha, mangal dosha, and shani dosha. 

Is kundli matching for love marriages done differently than arranged marriages?

The process of jathaka porutham is the same for both love and arranged marriages where the name and birth details of the prospective bride and groom are required for the best results. 

Which option is more reliable; online kundli matching or consultation with an astrologer?

An astrologer and the method of online jathaka porutham use similar systems to predict the future of two people. As long as a reliable astrologer is consulted or the right platform such as is used, one can achieve precise results that one can trust. 

Which is the best website for jathaka porutham online?

The best jathaka porutham site is as it provides a free report based on Vedic astrology and gives an option for a more detailed report with an evaluation of 20 additional parameters. This gives a complete and realistic view. 

How long does it take for thirumana kundli matching results to show on

It is an instant process so there is no waiting time when generating a report of Tamil jathaka porutham for marriage online. Once the required details are entered, and the payment details are given in case of a paid report, the report is instantly furnished.

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