In Sanatana Dharma, there are mantras for every problem and if one is sincere and chants the Strotra with Bhakthi and devotion, it is believed that the issues will get sorted out.
One such chant is the Sankata Nashana Ganesha Strotra or Sankasta Nashana Ganesha Strotra from the Narada Purana.
Narada Uvacha:
Sage Narada told
Pranamya Sirasa Devam,
Gauri Putram, Vinayakam,
Bhakthya Vyasa Smaren Nithya,
Mayu Kama Artha Sidhaye.
The learned one, who wishes,
For more life, wealth and love,
Should salute with his head,
Lord Ganapathi who is the son of Goddess Parvathi
Prathamam Vakra Thundam Cha,
Ekadantham Dveethiyakam,
Trithiyam Krishna Pingalaksham,
Gajavakthram Chathurthakam.
Think him first as god with broken tusk,
Second as the God with one tusk,
Third as the one with reddish black eyes,
Fourth as the one who has the face of an elephant
Lambhodaram Panchamam Cha,
Sashtam Vikatameva Cha,
Sapthamam Vignarajam Cha,
Dhoomra Varnam Thadashtamam
Fifth as the one who has a very broad paunch,
Sixth as the one who is cruel to his enemies,
Seventh as the one who is remover of obstacles,
Eighth as the one who is of the colour of smoke.
Navamam phala chandram cha,
Dasamam thu Vinayakam,
Ekadasam Ganapathim,
Dwadasam the gajananam.
Ninth as the one who crescent in his forehead,
Tenth as the one, who is the leader of remover of obstacles,
Eleventh as the leader of the army of Lord Shiva,
And twelfth as the one who has the face of an elephant.
Dwathasaithani Namani,
Trisandhyam Ya Paden Nara,
Na Cha Vigna Bhayam Thasya,
Sarva Sidhi Karam Dhruvam.
Any one reading these twelve names,
At dawn, noon and dusk,
Will never have fear of defeat,
And would always achieve whatever he wants.
Vidyarthi Labhadhe Vidhyam,
Danarthi Labhathe Danam,
Puthrarthi Labhathe Puthran,
Moksharthi Labhathe Gatheem.
One who pursues education will get knowledge,
One who wants to earn money will get money,
One who wishes for a son, will get a son,
And one who wants salvation will get salvation.
Japeth Ganapathi Sthothram,
Shadbhir Masai Phalam Labeth,
Samvatsarena Sidhim Cha,
Labhathe Nathra Samsaya.
Results of chanting this prayer,
Of Ganapati will be got within six months,
And within a year, he would get all wishes fulfilled,
And there is no doubt about this.
Ashtanam Brahmanam Cha,
Likihithwa Ya Samarpoayeth,
Thasya Vidhya Bhaveth
Sarvaa Ganesasya Prasadatha.
One who gets this prayer,
Written by Eight Brahmanas,
And offers it to Lord Ganesha,
Will become knowledgeable,
And would be blessed with all stellar qualities,
By the grace of Lord Ganesa.
Ithi Sri Narada Purane Samkashta Nasanam Ganapathi Stotram Sampoornam
Thus ends the prayer from Narada Purana to Ganesa which would destroy all sorrows.