Match Your Kundali

How To Check Love Marriage In Kundli

Marriage is the holy union of two people and their families in the Hindu tradition. It is considered the most important part of a person’s life. Today, love marriages are becoming more prevalent as people are choosing their life partners themselves. If you are wondering whether you will have a love marriage or an arranged marriage, you can use your kundli to find out. 

How to check love marriage in kundli? 

Most people are not aware of how to know love marriage in kundli because they have not been taught how to do so. But there is a way to find out if you will have a love marriage or not. The first step in how to check love marriage in kundli is to look at the houses in your kundli or birth chart. 


If the 7th house’s Lord is sitting in either the 1st, 5th, or 12th house, then it indicates you might have a love marriage with someone close to you at some point in your life. In the past, that person may not have been romantically involved with you but it indicates you might fall in love with that person and eventually marry the person. This is oftentimes the easiest way to find out whether you will have a love marriage or an arranged marriage. 

One of the ways how to know if love marriage in kundli is through active dashas. If these are moving through the houses 2nd, 5th, or 11th, then it shows you may have a love marriage. If these dashas form a connection of any type, then it still indicates that there may be a love marriage on the cards for the person. When the ascendant ruler is less potent than the 5th or 7th house ruler, it means a love marriage may occur. 


Another way how to check kundli for love marriage is to look at the planetary positions in your natal chart. For example, if the planets Saturn and Venus are in an excellent position with the planet Mars, it increases the likelihood of a love marriage. In some cases, the planets Mars and Venus may be in conjunction. In such a case you are likely to marry more than once and love marriage is likely to happen.

When Venus is found in the 1st, 7th, 8th, 10th, or 12th house, then a person is more likely to have a love marriage. Another key point to notice in your kundali is the connection between the 2nd, 5th, and 11th houses as these may indicate a love marriage. You are likely to have a love marriage if the moon is aspected by Mars or Saturn. Also, if it connects to the 7th house Lord, then the chances of a love marriage increase immensely. 

If Venus is afflicted with Saturn and Mars, then the person is likely to have a love marriage rather than an arranged marriage. Note that in this case, Venus has to be in an aspect relationship with both the planets Mars and Saturn. Only then does it indicate a love marriage as per Vedic astrology. If the planets Saturn, Rahu, or Venus are in the 7th house then it indicates a higher chance of a marriage of your choice taking place. 

Zodiac signs

The simplest way how to check love marriage in kundli is by knowing your zodiac signs. Often, zodiac signs show that some are more likely to lead to love marriages. For instance, Aries,  Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius are most likely to have love marriages compared to other signs. However, as these are generalizations, it is best to check the kundli for better accuracy in the prediction of love or arranged marriage. 

Love marriage calculators

If reading the planet positions and houses then deducing whether you will have a love marriage sounds confusing, you can always use free love marriage calculators. You will need to enter your birth details so the software can compute your kundali. Based on the positions, the calculator will find out if you will have a love marriage or an arranged one. It is faster, easier, and requires no knowledge of planets to know about your marital life. 

These calculators can come in free or paid form depending on the level of service provided. It is best to thoroughly check the authenticity of these websites before making any payment to avoid getting duped. A safe way to do this is to see whether the websites are transparent about pricing, show a sample report, and provide all the help you need before you go ahead to pay for their service. If there are any red flags, it is better to avoid using such websites for safety. 


How to get kundali?

You can use a reliable website such as to get your kundali within seconds. You need to enter your birth details and email address to get a free report. This is the most convenient way to go about how to know your kundali.  

When will I get married?

You can go to to find out the month and year when you will get married at a flat rate of Rs. 300. All you need to do is enter your birth details (date, time, and place), your ideal age at which you want to get married, and your email address. 

How to know nakshatra in kundali?

If you want to know your nakshatra instantly, using a nakshatra app is recommended. You need to just enter the birth details. The moon’s position will be calculated and this will help find the nakshatra. 

What is nadi dosh in kundali?

Nadi dosh means there may be marital problems in the couple’s life which can lead to misunderstandings etc. It indicates trouble in marriage between the couple which can lead to their separation and eventually divorce. 

How to match kundali by name? 

It is better to get kundli matching done by entering your birth details along with your full name for more accurate results you can trust. 

Is love marriage better than arranged marriage?

It is more important to find a good life partner. Experts recommend you get kundali matching done to ensure both partners are compatible with each other. It is advisable to use trustworthy websites such as for gun milan. 

Can an astrologer predict a love marriage? 

You can ask an astrologer who knows exactly how to identify love marriage in kundli. They know how to predict love marriage in kundli as they can how to read kundli for love marriage. This is only recommended if you have the time and patience. Otherwise, the online method is better.

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